The Quilt Cabinet

Getting (in) Mike Rowe’s Pants…They are on their way!

This story is my real life at the moment. Fantasy meets Reality…This is a story where I am one of the main characters and Mike Rowe is my co-star. It is a two person act…the third being the one who lands the quilt made from these jeans…

Getting (in) Mike Rowe's Pants

They are on their way…

This is the original post I did :

Dear Mike Rowe,
As you can see by this page, I dabble in Quilts. A great part-time job to supplement my income from my real job of cutting hair @ Magic Touch & Her Gardens. I am not in a position to donate money or buy any of your C.R.A.P., but I could make a Rag Quilt out of your jeans, I even can include stains… Bet it would net you a few grand for Mike Rowe Works. Let me know what you think! It would be my honor~ Judy

Getting (in Mike Rowe's PantsOffering to make a quilt out of his jeans to auction off for his Foundation mikeroweWorks – knowing how many women would love the opportunity to get (in) Mike Rowe’s pants, myself included of course – in the hopes of it netting a few grand.

I waited…..and waited….How could he refuse such an offer? and I waited some more…

Found out you cannot post to a page from another page…I learn something new everyday!

About 3 weeks later I posted again…in my name to Mike’s wall.

Judy A Muche shared a photo to Mike Rowe‘s timeline.

Seriously Mike Rowe,
Send me 6 pair of your used jeans and I will make a quilt from them, and I will throw in a few Garden Aprons….

He responded!

Mike Rowe Love it. Since I possess several pair that seem to have magically shrunk, I’ll send them along.
I was actually jumping up and down! I am being afforded the honor of contributing to a worthy cause…and get (in) Mike Rowe’s pants…
In the meantime, Mike had posted yet another selfie, this time wearing Armor…click here to see that selfie...
Could it be? A girl can dream…
Still waiting for Mike’s package to arrive I reposted a reminder…on March 2nd
 and he responded…
Getting (in) Mike Rowe's PantsThey are on their way…
A selfie to me!
I am waiting for Mike Rowe’s Package to arrive. I am a lucky girl…Three weeks later…
To read about the Denim Rag Quilt click image below:
 Getting (in Mike Rowe's Pants

27 thoughts on “Getting (in) Mike Rowe’s Pants…They are on their way!

  1. Kimberly

    There is another AWESOME non-profit organization that could use some denim material, in case you’re interested. They are called Sole Hope. They are helping people, mostly children I believe, by removing parasites from their feet. Basically they are sand fleas, which burrow and lay eggs in feet and sometimes hands. They are painful, can cause feet to become infected and those who have them are often looked at as being cursed! Simply washing their feet, removing the joggers (sand fleas), giving them closed toed shoes, and educating them on the importance of all this can absolutely change their lives! Many won’t find means to take care of their families, without this service. So many are destitute! Anyway, the denim can be cut and sent to them, to be sewn by someone making a fair wage, which is another way of helping a person have the means to provide for their family.
    I know the 2 founders, Asher and Drü Collie, and they are dear to me. They moved to Uganda, with their little ones and are in the process of adopting 2 kiddos that have been with them for a while now. Their stories are beautiful!
    I am about to get all the info so I can get my material to them. Couldn’t afford much before and I’ve been wanting to do this for a few years now. Money situation is a little better now, so I am excited to be able to finally do this!
    Blessings to you and yours!

  2. Toni Donarski

    a comment like “I sleep with Mike Rowes Jeans” could be embroidered in a corner, with possibly his autograph, and a Mike Rowe works logo,Then in another corner your business logo. What an awesome way to advertise your “dabble”. WELL DONE!!! Have fun with it!!!

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