Welcome To the Quilt Cabinet, where treasures are made.
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Here is the link for my Contact Information.
We have a lot to offer, and I am grateful for you stopping by.
My site is still ‘in progress,’ sorry if it seems confusing ~ I am not a webmaster by any stretch of the imagination ~ It is on the list!
Please feel free to call me @ 610.287.9662 (I answer Magic Touch)
I am glad you came to Visit!
Sit back and enjoy my site. I hope it makes you smile. You are going to discover a whole new take on quilts.
The word “new” really doesn’t exist in quilt making. Quilt designs and patterns have been around for a very long time. We just keep finding better ways to construct them. I have developed my own design called ControlledChaos. The pattern allows me endless possibilities, each one I make has its own personality. Wait until you see “No Calorie Candy with all the Comfort!” Now Available in our online shop.
TheQuiltCabinet will provide an interactive website to those of us who have a passion for quilts. Open the door and get ready to explore! You will learn some of the traditions of quilting as I learned them. You will get to see many unique examples of quilts, some whimsical, others more traditional. The Quilt Cabinet will provide you the opportunity to enjoy a handmade quilt at a reasonable cost.
You will have access to the story of The Perkiomen Valley School Quilts and The Fifth Grade Quilts. I began making quilts for the school in 1996. When my son, Michael, was in fifth grade I helped with the quilt the students made for the Colonial Fair.
And don’t forget to check out The Cedar Chest. In it you will find images of quilts I have done in the past.
If you are the proud owner of one of my masterpieces and have not yet sent me a photo of your quilt please do so.
Send it to:
Please include your story of the quilt.
The Quilt Cabinet
104 Maple Avenue,Collegeville, PA 19426
610.287.9662 | JudyAMuche@TheQuiltcCabinet.com
Content copyright 2014. TheQuiltCabinet. All rights reserved.
My late husband was killed in the line of duty.I have been looking for someone to make me a quilt out of the uniforms.
So sorry o hear of your loss. A quilt made from them surely would provide you with comfort…
Beautiful job on Mike’s old pants Judy! I made one for myself years ago with my, and my kids’ pants – it’s a treasure. I can’t believe all the different things you made from his – wow!!
Hi Judy!
I just saw Mike Rowe’s video on his Facebook page. He posted the link to your page and I decided to follow it.
I’m so happy to say that you live locally! I live in Collegeville, PA and I own a restaurant in Phoenixville, PA.
Your work on Mike’s pants was absolutely incredible!
What restaurant? Never mind. Lorraine was just out to visit you. She raved. Good luck! Maybe we will come over the next time we have lunch together…
I saw what you did for Mike Rowe! Awesome!
Do you make quilts out of photos as well? That was a wonderful and unique idea to make all the stuff
you made out of his old denim.
Here is the link: https://magictouchandhergardens.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/magic-touch-her-photo-quilt/
I am loving this.
I would love to get some baby clothes turned into a quilt. How much does it cost? The stuff you made for Mike was so neat.
Oh yeah I forgot to ask if you have a Facebook page
And here is The Quilt Cabinet on FB. Thank you for asking!
Here is the link for the t-shirt quilts…https://magictouchandhergardens.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/magic-touch-her-t-shirt-quilt/